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RevoLOUtion (Unrated)


Directed by Bret Carr.

Bret Carr delivers a powerful performance as Lou, a stuttering boxer whose career ends while the fight to bring his life back to normal begins. Initially, it seems like you've seen this kind of plot done before in a variety of movies about underdogs, but RevoLOUtion is not as simple as it seems. Writer/director Bret Carr uses this deceptively simple plot to hook the viewer in an easy-to-follow way. He co-wrote the film with the writer of The Deer Hunter, Quinn Redeker. They fashion the plot into what amounts to a rite of passage. However, unlike Rocky Balboa and characters from other mid-life coming-of-age films, Lou goes through a journey that asks the audience, in a brilliant classroom scene, to examine what their own stutter is also. In other words, he has you asking yourself, "What is it that repeats over and over in yourlife?" girlfriend (Suzanne Didonna) doesn’t love him back and even refuses to let him inside her house. His only real friend is Kumar (Kumar Pallana), a vendor who gives him quick advice and a woman he meets named Starla (Benford) who acts as his Yoda-like spiritual guide. The second act wisely maintains focus on Lou's desperate struggle to overcome his stutter without going off in distracting subplots. Bret Carr's directing skills prove to be concurrently inventive and unique because he uses shaky visuals to represent Lou’s state of mind and includes well-shot, grainy flashbacks from Lou’s childhood. The terrific, well-chosen soundtrack blends very well with each scene. Moreover, it’s inspiring and uplifting to watch Lou try to become an improved individual, both physically and, especially, mentally because his powerful transformation requires him to look deep within himself to find his soul's true purpose. He comes to terms with a particularly traumatic experience from his childhood and finds the confidence to believe in himself by getting to know himself. Right before his profound spiritual awakening, he has a near-death experience which he manages to overcome with strength of mind and soul. He may not be able to change the world, but at least he manages to change the way he looks at it. Ultimately, RevoLOUtion is a spellbinding, enlightening and profoundly moving experience with abundance of energy and style. At an ideal running time of 80 minutes, it never overstays its welcome.

Number of times I checked my watch: 0
Opens May 19th, 2006 and the Village East Cinema.
Released by Louniversal Releasing.

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